Monday, April 29, 2013

Keep Calm & Fight On

We finally heard some news late Friday from Mom's surgeon.  The second site (initially thought of as just a cyst) did have the same cell structure as the first mass.  Thankfully, Dr. Goulet removed that tissue.  However, because this means there are 2 sites with cancer cells, Mom will have to have a mastectomy.  Her spirits remain high and the prognosis is still good.  We are waiting to hear from Dr. Goulet regarding when the surgery will be done.  He is going to put Mom in touch with a plastic surgeon this week as she wants to do reconstruction at the same time as the mastectomy.  So, one surgery for the removal and reconstruction.

Mom has her first appointment with her oncologist on Wednesday.  I'm not sure what we'll find out at this appointment.  From what we are all understanding, nothing more will be decided about her treatment until they test the nodes that they will take during her surgery.  The results of that pathology will determine her future course of treatment.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Keep Calm & Fight On

(And, I believe I fixed the commenting section.  So, If you would like to leave a comment or a message for Mom, feel free!)

1 comment:

  1. Megan, thanks for starting this blog to keep everyone updated - I know you have a lot of folks that want to know how things are going.

    Jo, you've got a great support group around you - lots of love and prayers coming your way.

    Love, Mary
