Saturday, May 4, 2013

Oncology Update

Mom had her appointment with her oncologist, Dr. Bolla, on Wednesday.  He supported everything we have heard so far.  Currently all of her doctors are very positive about her prognosis and feel like surgery may be the "cure" for her.  When she has her mastectomy (no date yet) they will take some of the nodes to test.  If the nodes come back positive she will most likely have to undergo some type of chemotherapy.  If the nodes come back negative (which it seems like the doctors feel likely) then she would not have to do any chemo or radiation.  The one thing she would have to do would be to take an oral pill referred to as an AI (  So, all in all we feel we received good news from Dr. Bolla.

She will meet with her plastic surgeon on Tuesday morning to discuss her reconstruction (which will be done at the time of the mastectomy) so we will have more news to share and hopefully we will soon have a date for surgery.  Please continue to keep Mom in your prayers.  She is, understandably, having difficulty sleeping.  I think when we finally get a timeline to surgery and recovery that might help, but we'll see.

"If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound
Of your feet upon the ground
Carry on"

-Lyrics from the song Carry On by Fun.

Keep Calm & Fight On

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